Solar power offers advantages that make it particularly suitable to meet today’s energy challenges. Rhone Resch, President of the Solar Energy Industries Association explains in an article published on the UN website, that “in an increasingly carbon-constrained world, photovoltaic (PV) technology represents one of the least carbon-intensive means of electricity generation”. 4 SunPower PV panels installed on private and commercial buildings collect sunlight and convert it into useable electricity. This process does not rely on fossil fuels, resulting in a clean and emission-free renewable energy source. Solar energy can also be rolled out rapidly and reward private citizens and businesses with benefits for the climate and their wallets. The EU’s renewable energy policies have helped bring PV costs down by 82% over the last decade5 , making it one of the most competitive sources of electricity in Europe and the most accessible renewable energy for households. The cost of PV-power was already significantly less than wholesale electricity prices before the 2021 surge in costs. Given the urgent need to act against climate change and accelerate the rollout across Europe, the cost advantage is now even more relevant.
Solar panel installations in Malta are on the rise, and SunPower Maxeon solar panels are best suited for the Maltese hot and harsh environment.
Source : Maxeon Solar Technologies